Bonus Tickets
Once per stream while LIVE click the button to get your bonus tickets!
Sign In with Twitch to get bonus tickets.
Guardian w/LTI & Game
Total Entrants
Total Entries
Sign In with Twitch to see your tickets and/or enter giveaway here.
How to earn tickets
500 tickets for every sub
500 tickets for every gifted sub
100 tickets per 100 bits
Every 5 minutes tickets are given out to those in chat accordingly:
+1 Ticket for everyone
+5 Tickets for Active Viewers
+6 Tickets for Subscribers
so every 5 minutes a subscriber gets 12 tickets while in chat. Subscribe today
An Active viewer is someone who has participated in chat in the last 15 minutes. This includes chat, commands, follows, subs, bits, and channel point redemptions. Subscribers watching are always considered active
Winners for giveaway do NOT have to be present.
Anyone using multiple twitch accounts (aka botting) will be excluded from giveaways.
Anyone banned from community Discord or Twitch will be excluded from giveaway.
All prizes have a minimum of 1 month or next giveaway cooldown whatever is longer.Cooldown means ineligible to win standard giveaways during that time. Still eligible for any "special" giveaways. All values are based on current value.
Tier 1 - Less then $75 value - 1 Month or next giveaway cooldown whichever is longer
Tier 2 - $75 to $115 - 2 Months or next 2 giveaways cooldown whichever is longer
Tier 3 - Greater than $115 - 3 Months or next 3 giveaways cooldown whichever is longer
Winner(s) will be whispered via Twitch and only Twitch. Winner(s) must respond within 48 hours. Once the prize is sent the winner has 1 week to collect otherwise will be cancelled.
Right to change giveaway at any time. Giveaways illegal where it is not legal. Must be 18+ to participate.
Giveaways can change at any time without reason.